Hairstylists Lend a Helping Hand Through Justice and Soul Foundation

Matthew Fairfax was working in his salon when a client came in asking if he'd be interested in helping young Cambodian women who were survivors of sex trafficking. His initial response? No. However, after coming to the realization that there are 12.5 million people being trafficked today, he couldn't turn a blind eye. 

Five years later, Fairfax and his team started the Justice and Soul Foundation. The organization focuses on the awareness and elimination of sexual exploitation of young women and children globally, as well as the restoration of the survivors. Ruth Roche sat down with Fairfax to talk a little more about the foundation. 

How YOU Can Help

  • If you could spend four weeks of your life impacting the future of a young sex-trafficked survivor, would you do it? If you could build the esteem of a young person who spent years being physically or sexually abused, would you do it? Complete our online application today and begin your journey.
  • Can't travel to Cambodia to teach? You can still provide hope and aid in the restoration process. Sign up to be a community advocate.  

For more information, visit

About: Roche specializes in design/finishing trends and business – she’s as captivating in front of thousands as she is in an intimate in-salon setting.  She is the winner of multiple North American Hairstyling Awards (NAHA) awards and has contributed to Milady’s Standard Textbook of Cosmetology.  Stylists from around the world learn, grow and fuel their creative fire with her.  She is an established celebrity stylist (Anne Hathaway, Claire Danes, Amy Adams, Pink, Jenna Fischer, Mariah Carey…) and maintains a loyal clientele at Cutler Salon in NYC.