Exclusive: Louis Licari Joins Mizu Salon

Louis Licari, known for his top-notch coloring skills, his salons and his appearances on The Today Show, and his staff have joined forces with Damian Santiago and Vaughn Acord at Mizu salon, American Salon exclusively learned. Licari will work out of the Mizu New York salon and will be an integral part of the color education program, according to Jessica Barsamian, CEO of The Belgrade Group.

Here, Licari shares what to expect from the new partnership.

Why was it the right time for you to join Mizu?
To be perfectly frank, I wanted to get off the hamster wheel. The rent of my salon was growing and growing. I was working for the landlord. I earned to go back to my wheelhouse. I love haircolor, style, my staff and our clients. I knew Damian and Vaughn would provide a home for us that I would be proud of. This union would also allow me more time for my new salon and product line in Tokyo. The timing was just right.

What’s your relationship like with Damian and Vaughn?
Before this partnership, I was quite aware of them professionally since their careers at Bumble and Bumble. I knew they were brilliant technicians who joined forces to open Mizu. I always admired their determination and strength to keep a start-up salon not only going but thriving. We met and shared a few dinners together. Almost instantly I realized we were of the same mindset. We shared similar values and goals. I knew intuitively we would make a great team.

What can we expect from your new chapter? 
Our goal is the same: to keep the Louis Licari/Mizu salon moving forward. Together we will be a formidable team.