How To: Nail 3 Trendy Razor-Cut Shapes

Donald Scott NYC has released its Shapes Collection, three cuts that pay homage to its founder's signature carving cut technique for reshaping hair. Crafted with the brand's razor tools and prepped with its Prepare Liquid Tool Glide, this collection celebrates the beauty of hair in its natural state.


The Wolf Cut

Tool: Carving Comb Wide

Donald Scott NYC's Shapes Collection: Wolf Cut


Step 1: Section the front of the head from the back of the head through a diagonal backward line from ear to ear.

Step 2: Start the cut in the center of the bangs by slightly lifting the middle section. Hold the first section loosely between index finger and thumb.

Step 3: Hold the Carving Comb at a 45-degree angle and cut the hair to approximately eyebrow length.
Pro tip: Hold the hair in your fingers without tension and pay attention to the natural hair growth and structure of the hair when cutting.

Step 4: Use this technique to work along the hair contour up to the lengths and cut the hair at the same angle, loosely between your index finger and thumb.
Pro tip: The closer you work to the face, the more visible the baseline will be.

Donald Scott NYC's Shapes Collection: Wolf Cut


Step 5: Once the front hair contour has been cut on both sides, section off diagonally to the back. Overlay this on the guideline and cut hair using the established technique.

Step 6: Work the right and left sides in the same manner. The entire hair is covered on the first two diagonal sections.

Step 7: After the left and right sides have been completed, section off a rectangle at the top of the head: from eyebrow to eyebrow up to the highest point of the head.

Step 8: Cut the bangs from the short to long to achieve more movement in the top of the head. The guide length comes from the center, based on the length of the bangs determined at the start.    

Step 9: Overlap each additional section from the right side to the center of the skull section.

Step 10: Pull the left side of the top of the head over to the center in the same way and cut from short to long.


The Curls Cut

Tool: Chop Stik Pro

Donald Scott NYC's Shapes Collection: Curls Cut


Step 1: Section off a round segment at the top of the head: approximately 4 cm from the front contour over the highest of the head to above the occipital bone.

Step 2: Trim the basic length with the Chop Stik. Start at the front hair contour with sections running diagonally backwards.

Step 3: Hold individual small strands between thumb and index finger and cut with pulsating movements. To achieve a clean cutting line, hold the tool at a 45-degree angle.

Step 4: Continue working with diagonal sections up to the nape using the same technique.
Pro tip: The closer you work to the skin, the clearer the baseline will be.

Donald Scott NYC's Shapes Collection: Curls Cut


Step 5: Work the other side in the same manner.

Step 6: Release the upper section of the circle and section off the first segment from the center of the circle to the front.

Step 7: Cut the first section at a 90-degree angle to create a step. Create a lot of movement in the top of the head.

Step 8: Cut the second section in the same way and overlap it onto the first section.

Step 9: Cut the entire top of the crown segment in a pivoting manner, following the previously cut section.


The Big Hair Cut

Tool: Swivel Twist

Donald Scott NYC's Shapes Collection: Big Hair Cut


Step 1: Part the hair in the center from the front hairline to the nape of the neck.

Step 2: Start the haircut with a diagonal section on the left front contour side.

Step 3: Pull this section forward and cut in a C-shape from top to bottom to maintain maximum length. For a clean-cut line, hold the Swivel Twist at a 45-degree angle.

Step 4: Cut each additional section onto the first section on the left side. Use the 100 percent cut side of the razor.
Pro tip: For a natural result, rotate the Swivel Twist and soften the surface of the section with the tool's 25 percent side.

Step 5: Switch to the right side and cut in the same manner. 

Donald Scott NYC's Shapes Collection: Big Hair Cut
Donald Scott NYC Pro Tools
Carving Comb Wide - Chop Stik Pro - Swivel Twist. (Donald Scott NYC )