5 Ways to Build Your Business During COVID-19


When the rules are constantly changing during a worldwide pandemic, it can be difficult to focus on how to stay in business, let alone “grow” your business. The reality is, you need to keep focused and keep moving forward!

Here are a few strategies you can employ to help ensure a bit of revenue growth in these uncertain times:

  1. Perform mini-consultations prior to each appointment.

    Take a few minutes when a client arrives to discuss the service they will be receiving, and any other services you may have that might be of interest. Your client is there to be pampered, so they may want to spend a few extra minutes receiving a deep conditioning treatment (for an additional cost) or a 10-minute scalp massage (for an additional cost). Print out a short list of add-on treatments and post it in a highly visible spot on your mirror/station. If they don’t know about these services, they can’t request them!

  2. Recommend products that will address each client’s specific needs.

    The best way to sell product is through education. Nobody wants to be pressured into a sale. Use your expert knowledge to educate your client on what will help them to achieve the look they desire at home. For example, if you are performing a blow-out, use a leave-in conditioner prior to combing through their hair and discuss the benefits of the leave-in while you're using it. People are usually interested in how to prevent hair from damage and breakage. Or, use a volumizing product prior to a blow-out and mention the benefits and end-result that this product will help them achieve at home. A bit of education goes a long way, and just may lead to a higher ticket sale.

  3. Use social media marketing along with text/email to drive your business.

    There are free online tutorials on YouTube that will walk you through the process of setting up social media accounts for your salon, or as a personal stylist. This is a great way to keep in touch with clients, attract new business and create a warmer, more welcoming brand for your business. Feature your salon with pictures and even testimonials from clients. This is also a great way to advertise specials, add-on services and product offerings. Simple emails and text messages are also a couple of basic ways to keep top of mind with your existing and potential new clients.

  4. Reward existing clients with a customer referral program.

    Create a simple loyalty program that rewards existing clients with a free cut or color when they refer a new client to you. A small investment now will lead to additional revenue in the future!

  5. Rebook clients before they leave the salon.

    Be sure to rebook your clients for their next service before they leave the salon. It’s best to do this when the client is fresh from receiving a service they love. They should be happy to ensure that they will be receiving a similar service in the correct timeframe.

I know it’s a tough time to be thinking about how to grow your business. Many of us are simply trying to stay afloat. But a little bit of effort goes a long way. Take the time to learn and grow. It will help to get you through this uncertain time, and also provide education for your business growth in the future.

Find more COVID-19 business advice here.

About Marco
Marco Pelusi is a celebrity haircolorist/stylist, product developer and salon owner of Marco Pelusi Studio West Hollywood.