Survey: These Are Most Impactful AI Tools for Salons

Chatbots and virtual try-ons are gold mines for businesses selling beauty retail and services.

Those are takeaways from a recent survey by NYC-based Perfect Corp., a global leader in AI tech for beauty and fashion, which polled tech professionals and industry leaders for their feedback on the tools that have had the best impact.

When asked about the AI application with the most potential to create immersive customer experiences, the overwhelming response (77 percent) was “conversational AI agents” — chatbots powered by generative AI that can provide instant assistance around the clock.

Salons using chatbots on their websites have reported favorable results from their ability to answer questions 24/7 about services, products, scheduling, and other topics, paving the way to bookings and retail sales. SMS messaging chatbots are becoming widespread among salons to reach clients in real time and assist in scheduling.

Woman using phone to interact with salon chatbot


Industry insiders pointed to virtual try-on tools as the other main technology that generates sales, by providing a way to “test” products and looks before buying.

Of the apps available in Perfect Corp.’s YouCam suite — which lets customers “try on” hairstyles, makeup, nails, skincare products, clothes, accessories, and even cosmetic procedures — its AI Hairstyle Try-On was deemed the most popular.

Besides the obvious benefits of letting customers experiment with hairstyles or colors before committing to a look, the technology had a secondary benefit: sustainability. Users reported a drop in waste associated with hair color, attributing it to virtual try-ons.

Other AI technology available to salons include: smart booking (which can, among other benefits, reach out to specific clients likely to want a last-minute service opening); hair and skin diagnostic tools; and marketing tech that can create videos, images, scripts, and copy.