Deepak Chopra is Ulta Beauty’s New “Chief of Joy”

Deepak Chopra is ready and willing to help Ulta Beauty make joy a mission.

In response to a 2023 survey revealing a “joy deficit” plaguing  American teens and adults, the nation’s largest beauty retailer created The Joy Project to help its 55K+ associates to develop more healthy internal dialogues and bolster their self-esteem.

Now on phase 2 of the project, Ulta Beauty recruited Chopra — a best-selling New Age author, physician, and philosopher — as “Chief of Joy,” leading its new Joy Council of high-profile advocates creating content dedicated to joy.

“Joy is the only measure of success,” Chopra says. “It is associated with gratitude, empathy, compassion and love, and opens the door to well-being and abundance.

“I am delighted to be working with Ulta Beauty as The Joy Project is fully aligned with my life's work.”

Other members of the Joy Council include fitness instructor, health coach and motivational speaker Ally Love; certified relationship expert, podcast host and author Jillian Turecki; and Olympic gymnast, NBC sports commentator and mental health advocate Laurie Hernandez.

The council will create exclusive content, tips and insights centered around joy to be shared across Ulta Beauty’s public channels. This includes Chopra’s series “21 Days of Joy Mantras,” joyful movement and mindset practices, and tips on finding joy through relationships, self-care, and self-expression.

“Together we can reach a critical mass of people for a more peaceful, just, sustainable, healthier and joyful world,” Chopra says. “It is the most urgent need of our times."