Social Beauty: What to Share on Platforms

A question I often hear is, “Should I be sharing personal stuff on my biz pages?” And the answer is a simple one. First, remember why we even have social business pages—to deliver value, share stories and engage current and future clients. Second, focus on your brand story and target audience, and connect that to what your clients value. When you’re clear on those two things, you can decide how to share those stories through pictures, tips, videos and blogs. 

For an example, Passion Squared is in the empowerment business and I am passionate about my community, my family and animals of all kinds. My clients value inspiration; feeling loved, seen and heard; lighthearted fun; and business information about marketing, brand development and personal development. Knowing this, I craft my content where my brand and my what my clients value intersect. 

You will see me share a biz tip, an inspiring quote, a fun, lighthearted video, animals, members of my community and my family. When I was
doing my clean eating challenge in January, I shared a post a day about that. Why? Because it was both funny and empowering. Which again, fits my brand's story and what my audience values. Is it personal? You bet. The entire social web is personal. It is not there for us to push out sales, pitches, over rehearsed content, as that is inauthentic and in many cases annoying. 

What you will not see me share is a night out at my favorite dive bar. Why? Not because I do not want you to know I love dive bars, it's simply not part of my brand story or something I choose to share on my business pages. See the difference?

So now it’s your turn. How will you share your story? How will you find out what your clients value? The first step if you don’t know, ask them. Listen to what they tell you during their experiences with you. We all want to know we are valued. We all want to know we are seen, heard and most of all loved. 

To connect with Nina, visit, Instagram @passionsquared Twitter @passionsquared2 and Facebook 

About Nina L. Kovner: From the shampoo room to the boardroom, Nina L. Kovner took the world of pro beauty by storm with her thoughtful attention to detail and never-ending tenacity.  After 26 years of conquering obstacles in an ever-changing business landscape and helping to build one of the most recognized professional haircare brands in the world, she respectfully walked away from a career at the top to help small business owners and artists discover and live their purpose with passion and empower their businesses. Now, as Chief Awesomeness Empowerer at Passion Squared, she wakes up every morning saying to herself… “How I am going to help people create awesome today?”

About Passion Squared: WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT? Everything. Awesome creative small business owners and the people who work in them are created from the inside out and we work to empower your life and business with a focus on online + offline marketing, strategy and brand development with a heavy dose of personal development awesome dust sprinkled onto every thing we do. You can find Nina all over the social + digital web when she’s not drinking espresso or spooning her dogs. Connect with her at passionsquared, on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat (@passionsquared) and Youtube.