John Mosley Talks Barbering and Social Media

John Mosley, better known as @popular_nobody, is the somebody we’re watching in the barber space. Aside from his impressive clientele, Mosley is a Lead Barber on the Hattori Hanzo Artistic Team and an Andis educator.

John Mosley

Q Talk about your beginnings. How did you get into hair?
Growing up I spent many weekends in my mother’s salon located in Inglewood, California. My whole family was, and still is, in the hair industry. So my punishment for not acting right in school or at home would be to spend my weekends in the salon. Once I graduated high school I went to a few colleges and none of them could keep my interest. My last enrollment in a college was Golden West Junior College in Huntington Beach, California, where I played football. At the halfway point in my season I didn’t want to play anymore and decided to walk off the field. Driving home I had to make a plan to tell my mother why I wasn’t returning, so I thought if I said barbering it would buy me some time. A few days later she had some clippers on the table and I was headed to barber school. 

Q How do you recommend stylists use social media to grow their business and brand? 
First, you need to know your target audience. It’s important to make sure your page has a theme and great content. I recommend staying away from selfies, but show yourself working in some of the photos, and get a little more open in your Instagram stories about what you do and like. Also, it’s key to speak to the people who support you on social media, it shows that you are willing to help and engage with your supporters. 

Q What pitfalls do you recommend avoiding?
Don’t compare your success next to someone else’s, especially when your success may look different. I would also say don’t worry about how many “likes” a post may get, and if it doesn’t get a lot of “likes” just know that not every post will be a success. You are still getting your content out there and that’s important. Last but not least, understand we are all artists. The art of this business is business, so handle it and that will help you stay on track as an artist and a business/brand. 

John Mosley

Q How has your relationship with social and digital media changed over the years?
Since I started focusing more on my social and digital media, I pay more attention to my photos and videos. I have gotten more hands-on with the editing of my videos and I also have tapped into my love for photography. It’s made me more involved in our industry and I have been able to meet so many people from around the world. 

Q Is there a style that is trending on social that people are asking for in the shop?
I think the biggest trend that is going around in the shops now has to be the crop top look. The look is short on the side, cut square and then cut with shears on the top with a lot of texture and a matte finish.